

Welcome to the landing page of the Udine Summer of Logic and Computation, an initiative encompassing many events that will take place in Udine, Italy, between June and September 2023.


CILC 2023

June 21–23.
The annual meeting of the Italian Association for Logic Programming.

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Summer School on Synthesis (SySS)

August 28–31
The third edition of the UniVr/UniUd summer school dedicated to the main achievements and the current trends of reactive synthesis. The first two editions went by the name Summer School on Formal Methods for Cyber-Physical Systems

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Workshop on
Synthesis, Monitoring and Learning (SMiLe)

August 31–September 1
A two-day event on the intersection between artificial intelligence and formal methods

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GandALF 2023

September 18–20
The Fourteenth International Symposium on Games, Automata, Logics, and Formal Verification

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